
Angelina Angelina
Dental Hygienist

Hometown: Buffalo NY.

The first job I ever had: Barista.

Why did you decide on a dental field: I like to keep things clean and organized and the hygiene field is all about keeping people’s mouths nice and clean. I also love people and it is great because I see a lot of people every day!

Hobbies and Interests: Volleyball, sewing, organizing, biking, hiking, and eating chicken wings.

What is something people do not know about you: I used to tailor all my clothes growing up because nothing would ever fit.

What is your favorite food: Chicken wings.

Kasey Kasey
Dental Hygienist

Hometown: Watervliet NY.

The first job I ever had: Victoria Secrets.

Why did you decide on a dental field: I have always had an interest in oral health, I grew a love for it during dental hygiene school after learning about the little details that make my job so important.

Hobbies and Interests: Going to the gym, being a mom and having girl dinners with tacos and margs!

What is something people do not know about you: I played soccer and basketball my whole life until college
I am 1 of 4 girls, my oldest sister was put up for adoption and I did not meet her until 8th grade and never knew she existed!

What is your favorite food: Tacos!

Fan Fan


Dental Hygienist

Hometown: Chengdu, China

The first job I ever had: Ikea.

Why did you decide on a Dental Field? It’s a field that combines science and art that offers a unique opportunity to help people improve their oral health and overall well-being health. I love working with people and seeing their beautiful smiles!

Hobbies and Interests: Baking, yoga, gardening, biking, and spending time with family.

What is something people don’t know about you? I have a Bachelor of Science in Accounting

What is your favorite food? BBQ

Judy Judy
Dental Hygienist

Hometown: Glens Falls

The first job I ever had: Working at a stationary store.

Why did you decide on a Dental Field? I liked science fields and working with people.

Hobbies and Interests: Spending time with friends and family.

What is something people don’t know about you? I became a grandma this year.

What is your favorite food? Harvest pizza.