What is proper dental hygiene?

Proper dental hygiene involves a two-step approach. It encompasses both the hygiene practices that patients maintain at home and the hygiene protocols established in the dental office. Ideally, every patient should brush their teeth for two minutes in the morning and another two minutes at night. Flossing at least once a day is also essential. Using a mouth rinse such as Listerine, Scope, or even a non-alcoholic mouth rinse, can help ensure a clean mouth on a daily basis. We also have certain protocols set up in the office, these vary depending on the status of your dental health.

What can happen if I don't practice good dental hygiene?

Practicing poor dental hygiene or neglecting to brush twice a day for two minutes or not flossing can lead to numerous dental issues. Problems don't stay the same, they tend to worsen over time, especially in our mouth.

What are the main duties of a dental hygienist?

A dental hygienist is responsible for ensuring that all preventative protocols at home are being followed effectively. In the office, they make sure everything is kept up to top-notch care. They are tasked with ensuring the health of the gum and the bone surrounding our teeth.

What is involved in a dental cleaning?

A dental cleaning involves our hygienists going to each different tooth with special instruments. They start by removing all those calcium deposits and then polish the teeth. The health of the gum tissue is also checked, and exams of the teeth and gums are conducted both by the hygienist and the dentist. Appropriate x-rays are taken as well.

Does a teeth cleaning by a hygienist usually hurt?

Teeth cleanings by hygienists shouldn't hurt at all. However, some patients do have some cold sensitivity. If that's the case, it's important to tell your hygienist so they can work around it using numbing jellies or a lighter touch. The hygienist will always ask for your preference and ensure open communication for a pain-free, enjoyable experience.

How long should a typical dental cleaning take?

A typical dental cleaning usually takes about 40 minutes, assuming the patient has healthy teeth and it's not their first appointment. For first appointments or situations where the patient's teeth are not healthy, it could take up to an hour or even an hour and a half. In some cases where tissue treatment is necessary, the cleaning might be spread out over six weeks amounting to a total of four hours.

Why is a deep cleaning necessary sometimes?

Deep cleaning is necessary when there's been bone loss around a tooth. The hygienist uses an instrument to measure the gum around each tooth. Normal gum measurement is 2 to 3 millimeters. If the measurements are 4, 5, 6, or 7, it indicates bone loss. If not addressed, the bone loss will continue, leading to tooth loss. Deep cleaning is indicated when the gum and bone are receding from the teeth.

Is it necessary to do anything after a dental cleaning?

Yes, home care is extremely important. It's crucial to follow the protocols set by the hygienist, such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing. This should be done between dental visits to maintain oral health.

How should I schedule a hygiene appointment?

The easiest way to schedule a hygiene appointment is to call at (518) 868-6900. Also, contact us through Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, email, or text. You will always speak to a human being, not a robot, to get you scheduled.